Extended Matrix
An Open Science project to improve archaeological studies
EM is a simple way to represent something complex
EM is a simple way to represent something complex
Have you ever experienced the impossibility of expressing something articulate and complex, which is clear in your mind, but you lack the right words?
The Extended Matrix method is designed to provide those missing words and offer you the right tools to communicate the results of your archaeological research.
EM projects: can you imagine your next one?
EM projects: can you imagine your next one?
These projects and professional works were made using the EM method.
The continuous development of the method constantly allows to add new and useful features for supporting the reconstructive pipeline.
Leading institution
Leading institution
Involved institutions
Involved institutions
European projects
European projects
EM Map: find projects, users, institutions...
EM Map: find projects, users, institutions...
EM is used and supported by Universities, Institutes of research, independent researchers, scholars, students, and professional experts.