EM step by step

EM online user manual

Thanks to the EM community, an online user manual is now available for EM users.

Extended Matrix language (what is?)

v. 1.4.0 (last stable)

v. 1.5.0 development

(NB: you can switch  the user manual version at any time)

EMF online user manual

The Extended Matrix Framework of software tools used within the Extended Matrix have their own manual as well.

EM-tools (what is?)

v. 1.4.0 (last stable)

3DSC (what is?)

v. 1.6.1 (last stable)

EM video introduction

Here are some video content to help new EM users to better understand the EM approach and get started with the method. 

EM Quick Start

A quick video introduction to the EM method

How to contribute to the development of EM Tools

A brief introduction to the development of EM Tools

EM tutorials

Here are some video tutorials to help EM users get started with EM.

EM tutorial 01

A brief tutorial reagarding: 

EM tutorial 02

A brief tutorial within the video introduction to the development of EM-tools